Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cpm/sys/c128/audio/
Sound related software for the C128 CP/M
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cpm/sys/c128/audio/
1994-08-05 185216 sigmv800.ark SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #1
1994-08-05 198272 sigmv801.ark SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #2
1994-08-05 67072 zbdemo.lbr Z Blaster Digitized Sound Demo for C128-CP/M.
1994-08-05 69850 Z Blaster 1.0 Play/Record/Import Digi-Sound Kit for C128-CP/M. Note : Contains ZBF digis not found in zbkit20.arc.
1994-08-05 95232 zbkit20.arc Z Blaster 2.0 Play/Record/Import Digi-Sound Kit for C128-CP/M. Note : Contains ZBF digis not found in zbkit10.arc.


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