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Directories in /pub/cbm/vic20/utilities/8k/
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Files in /pub/cbm/vic20/utilities/8k/
1996-11-24 6209 1540.41 Backup.prg Single drive disk backup program.
1997-08-03 139 3D-Drawing I.prg
1997-08-03 5485 3D-Drawing II.prg A 3D drawing program. The first part merely moves the start of BASIC to $2001 and loads the second part.
1996-11-10 17883 Aangifte 83&84.prg Calculates the taxation or something for 1983 and 1984. The program texts are in Dutch. Requires at least a 24k memory expansion, and the texts are formatted for a 40 column screen.
1996-11-10 3985 Assembler.prg A non-symbolic assembler written in BASIC.
1997-08-03 8036 Assembler2.prg A machine language monitor written in BASIC.
1997-08-03 12147 Austro-Compiler.prg A BASIC compiler. Requires at least a 16kB expansion. The compiled programs will run with an 8kB expansion or bigger.
1996-11-10 3865 Basic Scanner.prg A BASIC "disassembler" written in BASIC.
1995-03-05 5685 Bio-Vision 20.prg A biorythm program.
1996-11-10 1014 Copymaker.prg Tape back-up program.
1997-08-03 1025 Copymaker2.prg Copies normally saved files from tape to tape.
1997-08-12 6223 Cremona.prg Programma voor het bereknen van de staafkrachten in een inwendig- statisch bepaald vakwerk m.b.v. het cremona-diagram principe. Written in BASIC.
1996-11-24 9774 Database Cw.prg A database program in Dutch. Requires a tape drive. Written in BASIC.
1996-11-24 9774 Database Menu.prg A database program in Dutch. Quite many functions. Written in BASIC.
1996-11-24 7748 Dataopslag.prg A quite comprehensive Dutch database program. Written in BASIC.
1995-03-05 177 Drawing Master.b.prg
1995-03-05 5439 Drawing Master.f.prg A primitive CAD program.
1995-03-05 251 Easy Basic.b.prg
1995-03-05 4095 Easy Basic.f.prg
1995-03-05 2050 Easy Basic.p2.prg A BASIC expansion.
1997-07-17 5818 Easy Mon 1.0.prg A machine language monitor written in BASIC.
1996-11-10 7311 Fat 40.prg
1996-11-10 3918 Fat40 Demo.prg 40 column emulators for the VIC-20. The latter is with NTSC screen position.
1996-11-24 5517 Gegevensverwerking.prg A database program in Dutch. Written in BASIC.
1996-11-10 951 Gleitschrift.prg This German program produces a bit jumpy scroll text. 6561 only.
1995-02-27 5459 Kp Word Pro.prg This "word processor" is written in BASIC.
1996-11-10 3000 MLX 2.02.prg A utility for entering machine language programs (enter bytes in decimal notation, with checksums over 6 byte groups).
1996-11-10 4480 MLtracer.prg A 6502 simulator (single-stepper) written in BASIC.
1995-02-27 181 Magic Draw.b.prg
1995-02-27 2386 Magic Draw.p2.prg This is a poor drawing program. Controls: cursor keys, clr/home, d, e, x, z, l, s, q, F2, F4 etc.
1995-03-05 6986 Mighty Basic.prg Another BASIC expansion.
1995-03-05 214 Mighty Mon 1.0-b.prg
1995-03-05 7595 Mighty Mon 1.0-f.prg A machine language monitor written in BASIC and ML.
1995-03-05 6654 Mighty Mon 3.0.prg A machine language monitor written in pure ML.
1995-03-05 7327 Mighty Term8192.prg A terminal program. SYS8192 to start. Features a 40-column bitmapped display and VT-100 emulation. The program was never finished, but it is complete enough to use. Press CTRL-1 to bring up the configuration menu. Not all of my defaults will be convenient for you. For example, it defaults to PST-100 emulation since that is the type of terminal the university computer liked when I was developing this program.
You can also specify an "80/2" screen width. In this mode, the screen will be split into two 40-column halves. Press the F7 key to toggle between the two halves. Ignore the "Good day, Craig" at the start (unless your name happens to be Craig). Press the Backarrow key to quit.
1997-08-03 5640 Pilot.prg A Pilot language interpreter written in BASIC. Very slow.
1996-11-24 10214 Plus.term.prg A terminal program partially written in BASIC. Seems to use the standard RS-232 routines, so speeds from 50 to 2400bps are possible. Normal 22-column screen.
1995-03-05 2415 Printer Pal I.prg
1995-03-05 9836 Printer Pal II.prg These programs print something.
1997-07-17 2258 Prog Char 4.8-HB.prg
1995-03-05 5568 Prog Char MLV1.0.prg Character editors.
1995-03-05 631 Program Ledger.b.prg
1995-03-05 4881 Program Ledger.f.prg Makes a database of your programs.
1996-11-10 2305 Quick-20 (rel).prg Some sort of a tape loader or tape copier.
1995-03-05 2158 Screen-40.prg Gives you a 40-column screen display for using BASIC. It uses bitmapped 4*8 pixel characters and gives 24 rows. It will work with all programs that use the standard kernel input and output calls.
1996-09-09 6976 Soundmaker-0.1.prg A simple music composing aid written in BASIC.
1996-11-24 6976 Soundmaker.prg A sound editor written in BASIC.
1995-03-05 4735 Speedscript 1.0.prg
1996-11-10 5875 Speedscript 3.0.prg COMPUTE!'s Speedscript program for the VIC. The function keys move the cursor around and the F7 and F8 keys are for Load and Save. It features a number of embedded formatting commands. To access them, press CTRL-� (the British pound symbol) and then type the letter of the command and it will appear in reverse. Follow most commands with a number and then a RETURN. The following embedded commands are supported: T=Top margin, B=Bottom margin, L=Left margin, R=Right margin, S=Spacing, and many more. A number of editing commands are available by pressing CTRL and a letter. CTRL-P is Print.
1996-11-10 5887 Spreadsheet.prg A spreadsheet program. Requires a 40 column screen driver.
1996-11-24 8513 Tekstverwerker 1.prg
1996-11-24 5676 Tekstverwerker 2.prg
1996-11-24 4050 Tekstverwerker 3.prg
1996-11-24 8670 Tekstverwerker 4.prg These are Dutch word processors for the VIC. All are written in BASIC and are more or less line orientated.
1997-08-03 7681 Telex-morse.prg A RTTY / CW decoder for the VIC-20 by Radio V/D Galien.
1996-11-10 6828 Vic 40 Scherm.prg Another 40 column emulator.
1996-11-10 8521 Vic Compiler.prg Some sort of BASIC to Assembler source compiler.
1997-07-17 554 Vic Pilot.b.prg
1995-03-05 5605 Vic Pilot.f.prg Some sort of drawing program.
1997-08-03 4958 Vic Writer.prg A word processor written in machine language.
1996-11-24 707 Viditel Uitleg.prg Instructions for Vidivic.
1996-11-24 9857 Vidivic.prg A Viditel terminal program for some on-line services in The Netherlands.
1996-11-24 7792 Voorraad beheer.prg A warehouse database in Dutch. Written in BASIC.

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