Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/vic20/roms/tools/8k/
All these are 8kB cartridges. Instructions for these tools are welcome.
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Files in /pub/cbm/vic20/roms/tools/8k/
1997-05-10 8194 Assam.prg An assembler. SYS700 to start.
1997-05-10 8194 BASIC V5.prg A simple BASIC extension with some disk commands and a machine language monitor. Type COMMANDS to get a command list.
1997-05-10 8194 ExBASIC L2.prg A BASIC extension. Type HELP for a command list.
1997-05-10 8194 Handy Toolkit.prg A BASIC extension or BASIC programming aid.
1997-05-10 8194 HesWriter.prg A very primitive text editor by HES.
1997-05-10 8194 Household Finance.prg Plan your personal finances. By Creative Software. This is essentially the same as Personal Finance.
1997-07-17 5112 LADS-be01.prg LADS assembler, SYS 48641 to start. No instructions.
1997-05-10 8194 PET Loader.prg A PET emulator (40 column screen). Requires at least a 8 kilobyte memory expansion.
1997-05-10 8194 Personal Finance.prg Plan your personal finances. By Creative Software.
1996-11-27 8194 Quick Brown Fox-sys32692.prg This cartridge does not seem to work properly.
1997-05-10 8194 Synthesound.prg A sound program by HES.
1997-05-10 8194 Turtle Graphics-2.prg A slightly different version of above.
1997-05-10 8194 Turtle Graphics.prg A Logo interpreter written in BASIC.
1997-05-10 8194 VC-Extra.prg Some sort of expansion that might have something to do with machine language. Autostart, starting address $A000.
1997-05-10 8194 Vic Forth 1.00.prg VIC Forth by Peter Bengtson.
1997-05-10 8194 Vic Forth 1.10.prg A newer version of VIC Forth.
1997-05-10 8194 Vic Graph.prg Plots diagrams of given functions. Written in BASIC to a big extent!
1997-08-03 8194 Vic Stat.prg A statistics and graphics orientated cartridge by Datatronic, Sweden. The demo on the cartridge has been written using the extended BASIC syntax supplied by the cartridge.
1997-05-10 8194 Wordcraft 20-6000.prg
1997-05-10 8194 Wordcraft 20-a000.prg A word-processing cartridge. Requires at least an 8kB memory expansion.
1997-05-10 8194 Wordcraft-6000.prg
1997-05-10 8194 Wordcraft-a000.prg
1997-05-10 8194 Wordcraft-orig-6000.prg
1997-05-10 8194 Wordcraft-orig-a000.prg A word-processing cartridge by UMI. Press F3 to do a normal RESET, F1 to start the cartridge. The original version does not run in RAM.
1997-04-23 8194 Write Now-sys41000.prg A word-processing cartridge.

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