Table-based version

Directory /pub/cbm/vic20/demos.basic/unexpanded/

[Parent directory]

Plays Johann Sebastian Bach's Allegro.
Big 2.prg
Writes some text on a 25x30 screen. PAL (6561) only.
Big Chars.prg
Defines 8x16 characters and 8x8 characters simultaneously and demonstrates their use.
Big One (s).prg
A "commercial" for Big 2.
Birds Demo.prg
Demonstrates user-defined characters and sound effects.
Plays a terrible melody and shows a clumsy animation.
Bounces the text window around the screen.
Plays the Bumble Bee music piece.
Draws a circle on the screen.
Plays a nice music piece.
Throws dice.
Dragon Demo.prg
Draws a dragon and plays very annoying sounds.
E.T. Demo.prg
This extremely slow program draws a picture of the E.T.
Frere Jacques.prg
Plays the kanon song "Meister Jakob", or "Frere Jacques".
Draws a changing colourful graphics.
Keyboard Demo.prg
Draws a picture of the VIC-20 keyboard.
Draws lines on the screen.
Draws random horizontal lines on the screen.
Draws a picture of a Lotus Esprit.
Merry Vic-mas.prg
Draws a christmas tree and plays a christmas song.
Mork & Mindy.prg
Plays a song.
Multicolour Magic.prg
Teaches and demonstrates the use of multicolour graphics.
Penny Lane.prg
Plays the Penny Lane song by the Beatles.
Creates various sound effects when you press the keys.
Animation of a rocket that is taking off.
Draws robots on the screen.
Screen Demo.prg
Features some sort of morphing in BASIC.
Silent Night.prg
Plays the Christmas song "silent night".
Defines a small (4x6) font.
Snoopy Hires.prg
A picture of the Snoopy comic character.
Plays the game of Solitaire. The texts are in Dutch.
Sound Library.prg
20 different sound effects written in BASIC.
Sound Shaper.prg
A sound effect program.
Star Wars IRQ.prg
Installs an interrupt routine that plays the Star Wars theme.
Plays the famous Christmas song with three voices. The initializations take quite long.
Vic Cirkeldemo.prg
Draws two circles on the screen.
Vic Demo 1.prg
Vic Demo 2.prg
Vic Demo 3.prg
Very poor demos of the VIC-20. Some of them are by Commodore.
Vic Hires Plot.prg
Plots points on the screen.
Vic Miauw.prg
Draws a cat.
Vic Mosaic.prg
No, this is not a web browser for your VIC. It draws some sort of mosaic on the screen.
World Map.prg
Draws a small world map in high resolution graphics.

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/vic20/demos.basic/unexpanded/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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