Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/schematics/drives/new/1541/
There are several versions of the Commodore 1541 disk drive. Some are covered by the technical manual, other schematics were scanned from later documents. There is even a reverse engineered diagram of the 1541-II drive.
../ [Parent directory]
service/ Commodore 1540/1541 Service Manual in HTML format.
tech/ 1540/1541 technical manual. Schematics and other information for drives up to 1541 B.

Files in /pub/cbm/schematics/drives/new/1541/
1999-12-18 11240 1541-II-powersupply.gif@ Reverse-engineered schematic diagram of the 110-volt 1581 and 1541-II power supply. Created and uploaded by William Levak <[email protected]>. According to him, you have to break the case open to get inside. Jameco sells a case that can be used to replace it.
1996-10-31 190045 1541-II.340503.gif 1541-II schematic diagram, by Commodore. According to the 1571 Service Manual, the Gate Array (251828 or 64H156) has some different revisions (-01, -02 and -03). Revisions -01 and -03 have only 40 pins, but -02 has 42 pins. Frank Kontros ([email protected]) reports that the (chinese) 1541-II boards he has seen only carry the assy no. 340503, although there are some differences. Also, his boards have the latest (-03) Gate Array, with some wiring on the pin 21 (OSC).
1997-01-17 112882 1541-II.gif
1997-01-17 1286 1541-II.readme 1541-II schematic diagram. Drawn and uploaded by Levente H�rsfalvi ([email protected]).
1999-12-02 1334 boards.txt Information about different 1541 board versions, composed by William Levak.
1999-12-02 1929 parts.txt 1540/1541/1541A/SX-64 drive parts list, composed by William Levak.
1999-12-02 2883 pla.txt 1541/1571 40/42 Pin Gate Arrays, composed by William Levak.
1996-05-08 202102 short-251748-rev.E-left.gif
1996-05-08 191735 short-251748-rev.E-right.gif Short board 1541, assy no. 251748, rev.E, sheet 3 of 4. On this board, a 40-pin custom chip replaces some 74xx logic.

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