Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/plus4/Tools/Assembler/
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/plus4/Tools/Assembler/
1996-07-24 56000 Mega Assembler Assembler for 64kB or 256kB with macro and line-commands. Written by SVS of Fire crew ([email protected]).
1996-02-29 55040 Mega Assember for 256 kB /Fire
1998-12-04 3868 dasm-7.92-fixed.prg
1998-12-10 26182 dasm-7.92-fixed.s Fixed version of a disassembler. It seems that only the texts have been changed. In the source code, there are no differences from dasm-7.92.s that ought to affect the assembled binary.
1998-12-10 3868 dasm-7.92.prg
1998-12-10 26147 dasm-7.92.s A disassembler, binary and source code.
1999-10-04 49659 macro46e.d64.gz
1999-10-04 437 macro46e.readme SVS MACRO ASSEMBLER version 4.6/E for Plus/4. This is the faster version for 64kB machine, but it hasn't all the high level features of version 5.3 (64kB AND 256kB).

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