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Directories in /pub/cbm/documents/projects/memory/plus4/
Memory expansions for the Commodore 264 Series
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Files in /pub/cbm/documents/projects/memory/plus4/
1998-05-14 94809 c16-to-1MB.gif Control logic for expanding the Commodore 16 or plus/4 to 1 megabyte of internal memory (four 256k banks).
1998-07-23 233860 Schematic diagrams (in German) and instructions (in English) for building an EPROM expansion of up to 1.5 megabytes. H.Lux 01.07.1991.
1998-07-23 183169 Two 1541 disk images containing
- 256kB RAM expansion hannes and update v1
- EPROM expansion
- circuits and sheets for practical realisation. Note: texts are in German; some 256kb-programs on disk
1998-07-23 43543 1551 floppy emulator for MS-DOS; uses a cable between the plus/4 and the parallel port of the PC. Includes two EPROM images for the plus/4. Features: datalink to PC, setup utility with SRAM card or expansion, printer driver, floppy wedge, hardware check
1998-07-23 321354 p4-expanded-bottom.jpg A plus/4 circuit board with all OS96 expansions; bottom view
1998-07-23 345209 p4-expanded-top.jpg A plus/4 circuit board with all OS96 expansions; top view
1998-07-22 434384 A 256 kB RAM expansion for the plus/4 (Hannes/Solder/CSORY)
1998-07-23 138389 All you need to build the 384 kB SRAM expansion in your plus/4. Hand drawn and scanned schematic diagrams with German descriptions

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