Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/demodisks/c64/
This directory contains test/demo diskettes supplied with the Commodore 64 or products tightly related with it.
../ [Parent directory]
cpm/ Test/demo diskettes for the Commodore 64 CP/M cartridge
sfx/ Accompanying software for the Commodore SFX Sound Expander

Files in /pub/cbm/demodisks/c64/
1998-01-03 69474 c64-demodiskette.d64.gz
1998-01-03 1877 c64-demodiskette.readme C= 64 demonstration programs made by Commodore Frankfurt, Germany.
1997-10-27 53653 sx64-demo.d64.gz C= commodore SX-64 TEST/DEMO disk. This one seems to be based on the 1540/1541 test/demo disk 1540042-02. There are some demos on this disk, including a Christmas demo.

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/demodisks/c64/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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