Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/Frodo/
Frodo V4.0 is a free, portable C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS, AmigaOS and Windows systems. Author: [email protected] (Christian Bauer) http://www.Uni-Mainz.DE/~bauec002/FRMain.html
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/Frodo/
1997-08-06 295070 FrodoV4_1.Amiga.lha Binary distribution for Amiga/DraCo with 68040/68060, AmigaOS 3.0 and graphics card. (Use Frodo V2.x for other Amigas.)
1997-08-06 307086 FrodoV4_1a.Be.tar.gz Binary distribution for BeOS
1997-08-06 350501 FrodoV4_1a.Src.tar.gz Source distribution (for *nix systems)
1997-10-18 1749548 frodo-411.sit.hqx MacFrodo V3.1.5 binary distribution (68k and PowerPC). See The Official MacFrodo Home Page for more information.
1998-01-02 398024 Windows 95/NT version of Frodo. Downloaded from

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/Frodo/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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