Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/crossplatform/converters/unix/
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Files in /pub/cbm/crossplatform/converters/unix/
1993-06-07 19777 LZHconvert.lzh@ Utility for renaming files in LHArchives. Instructions for creating Commodore .SFX archives on other platforms, i.e. Unix or MS-DOS.
1995-02-02 31868 cbmconvert-1.1.tar.gz Converts different C64 file/disk archives to LHARC / SFX format on a Unix system.
1999-06-16 50380 cbmconvert- Converts different Commodore file formats between each other.
1992-05-24 1088 crc32.c C language source code for CRC32.
1992-05-24 420 crc32.prg Calculates 32-bit CCITT checksums to ensure data integrity in file transfers. C64/C128 executable.
1992-05-24 1203 crc32.readme Instructions for CRC32.
1992-05-24 3218 crc32.s 6502 source code for CRC32.
1997-03-06 714 ctools04.lsm
1997-03-06 149603 ctools V0.4 is a collection of programs to work with images of C64/C128 CP/M disks under Linux and MS-DOS. The C++ source code is included.
1998-12-24 1743 fvcbm30.readme@
1998-12-24 45927 fvcbm 3.0. List directories of Commodore 64/128 compatible archive files. Runs on MS-DOS and compiles on various Unix systems.
1998-06-05 11866 ihex-bin.tar.gz Converts Intel Hex to raw binary and vice versa.
1992-04-21 863 pcrc.c C source code of PCRC.
1992-04-21 741 pcrc.prg Calculates checksums for files. Older version of CRC32 to be phased out. C64/C128 executable.
1992-05-12 984 pcrc.readme Notes about PCRC.
1999-01-28 30396 petlp-1.1.tar.gz This is a small program that converts printer output to Postscript, ASCII or PETSCII. petlp understands a limited set of Epson compatible printer codes. The Postscript output, when fed to a postscript printer, produces the text in a font resembling the output of a matrix printer, including the CBM graphics characters :-)
The program used to be part of VICE, but since some of the code violates the license of VICE, it was removed from the emulator and made stand-alone.
1999-05-04 206195 targetd64_bin_linux_i386_0_2.tgz Linux i386 ELF libc6 binary distribution of TargetD64
1999-05-04 231099 targetd64_src_0_2.tgz TargetD64 is an "open source" C64 related conversion tool and emulator frontend. Archives passed to TargetD64 will be converted into D64 images without user interaction.
1999-05-04 441236 td64test_0_2.tgz Test suite for TargetD64
1994-05-12 1092 unkar.c Source to dissolve Kevin's Archiver archives. Can be compiled by C64 C compilers aswell.

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