Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/c64/diskutil/filecopy/
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Files in /pub/cbm/c64/diskutil/filecopy/
1993-09-07 2161 1541-1764-Copy.prg Copies files between 1541 disks and a Commodore REU.
1998-03-10 5768 Duplicator-2.0.prg 1541 file copier. Modified version by "BARTJE".
1998-03-10 9551 File Bacc'em.prg File Bacc'em - 1764 edition. A version of File Hack'em (1541 file copier) that makes use of the REU. Created by Bacchus/Fairlight.
1998-03-10 5115 File Master-1.0.prg 1541 file copier.
1998-03-10 6912 Magic Copy-1.2.prg 1541 file copier written by Thomas Enders in 1989
1998-03-10 10985 Sir-copy.prg 1541 file copier by The Sir in 1992.
1993-12-07 6004 Tape-to-disk.prg Copies data from tape to disk, source code included.
1998-03-10 4715 Uni-copy15xx.prg Universal disk-file copy (works with any Commodore disk drive).

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