Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/c64/demos/pal/Fatum/
Fatum is a Polish group. GrABBA/Fatum, or Robert Grabowski <[email protected]> uploaded these files.
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/c64/demos/pal/Fatum/
1997-01-13 160049 Abbads.d64.gz A Super Hires Interlace graphics collection.
1997-01-13 131496 Compod-100.d64.gz A music collection by Compod/Fatum.
1996-12-09 34724 Experience1.prg
1996-12-09 41462 Experience2.prg
1996-12-09 37230 Experience3.prg Collections of Bax/Fatum's musics. Released in 1993-1995. All of these contain 18-32 tunes by Bax.
1996-12-09 48211 Intro collection.prg Collection of Fatum intros.
1997-01-15 154686 Melography.d64.gz Graphics (logo) collection by Talbot/Fatum.
1997-06-14 132552 MiNdriot.d64.gz Graphics collection, released 09.05.1997. The pictures were drawn by the best graphician on the polish C64 scene.
1996-12-09 46735 Old style.prg Collection of older Fatum intros.
1997-01-06 13202 Prawda-edytor3.0.prg
1997-02-19 162165 Prawda7-1.d64.gz
1997-02-19 159880 Prawda7-2.d64.gz A two-sided disk magazine in Polish, and an editor used to write it.

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/c64/demos/pal/Fatum/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

[email protected]

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