Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/c64/demos/pal/Assembly94/
Content of this directory was updated 18-jan-95 (All releases should be final now) -Mysdee
../ [Parent directory]

Files in /pub/cbm/c64/demos/pal/Assembly94/
1994-08-07 22910 ASM94-Invitation.prg Official invitation intro to Assembly'94 by Deadbeat/The Sharks (executable)
1994-08-08 4471 ASM94-Results.txt Official and final result text file by c64 organisers
1997-02-18 114848 Attack of the Stupidos 3.Beyond Force.d64.gz Attack of the Stupidos 3 by Beyond Force, 1st place at Asm'94
1997-02-18 116256 Best of Trinomic.d64.gz Best of Trinomic by Trinomic, 3rd place at Asm'94
1997-02-18 131206 Graphics and Music.d64.gz Graphics and music competition entries at Asm'94
1997-02-18 86212 Lunacy 6.Antic.d64.gz Lunacy 6 / The Lost Sequel, Antic
1997-02-18 139448 World of Code 2.Byterapers.d64.gz@ World of Code 2 by Byterapers Inc., 2nd place at Asm'94

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/c64/demos/pal/Assembly94/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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