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Directory /pub/cbm/c64/demos/ntsc/Style/

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An older demo from summer 1991... still worth getting... some simple yet attractive chaos algorithms on screen.
Demo showing off circle plotting. This appeared in an old issue of Expose. Just a bunch of circles although still kinda cool... nice music (note it's in two speeds!).
Dendrite Construction Set demo/utility. Lets you run the Diffusion Limited Aggregation algorithm on a hires screen on your 64. Lots of cool options...
Fresh Air.Style+Carcass.lnx@
January 1st, 1992 at 12:01 AM. A Style+Carcass Production. Fresh Air megademo. Style's first disk demo... about 9-10 pages of cool screen effects and great music... good art too...
Gold 1.4.1995
Greener Pastures.prg
Kicken Back.lnx
Multi file demo, Style's 1st ever demo, March 91.
Demo based on John Conway's game of LIFE. Another old but great (IMHO) demo from my summer of coding 1991. This is a 'demoish' implementation of John Conway's LIFE automata. Lots and lots of features in this one... if you enjoy LIFE or mathish things you could play for days (I did). 26 Built in patterns, an editor, features for controlling the LIFE environment... has docs in the demo. I'd be REAL interested to hear your opinions of this one... probably the demo I'm proudest of...
Demo w/ sideborder DYCP.
Our Own.prg
Style's second ever demo. Three pages with assorted effects.
Shine On.prg
November 1, 1991, a Style+Carcass coproduction with big vector graphics.
Another of my mathematical-ish demos. Real interesting effects that remind me of my old spirograph toy (thus the name). Some built in patterns but also a nifty patterns editor so you too can play with this toy. I'd REALLY like your comments on this demo!
TCC Music.d64.gz
TCC Music Compo Winners - a compilation by Elwix/Style
This disk contains the 16 winners from the music competition at The Computer Crossroads party held somewhere in Europe. A player is included to listen to most of the musics.
Unity note.prg
A note for the above, also a program.
Big multi-page April Fool's joke demo.

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/c64/demos/ntsc/Style/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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