Tableless version

Directories in /pub/cbm/c64/demos/generic/
../ [Parent directory]
poor/ Directory for especially poor demos, like those ones written in BASIC to increase the sales of the C64.

Files in /pub/cbm/c64/demos/generic/
1992-12-31 25984 Blackice3.prg 1992 Eclipse filled vector demo, NTSC, ok in PAL
1993-06-06 20899 Bubbles.prg 1988 The 'original' Juggler ;).
1993-12-17 57932 Demos.lzh
1993-12-13 989 Demos.readme Miscellanous demos by Mark Rejhon.
1996-06-28 1106 Drivemusic.prg Sing Song Serenade C64 1541 2031 by Cristopher C. Capon / Clockwork Computing. Plays a tune with the disk drive.
1995-07-12 11392 Flash80-demo.prg A flickering but efficient 80 column routine by Powdered Toast Man.
1993-12-10 13458 Magic Colors.prg A demo by Soedesoft featuring nice color effects.
1997-10-26 60763 MusiCalc.d64.gz
1997-10-27 398 MusiCalc.readme 1983 MusiCalc Christmas Hits by the Waveform Corporation. Press ^ to change tunes.
1994-08-05 28584 Necrofile.prg 1987 A demo by an American group TST. Only the first part seems to work.
1994-08-05 47225 Outspace.prg@ Outspace by Orion 1988. Slow decruncher. This demo plays samples of some games and has two pictures and a few sprite scrolls.
1993-06-17 18617 Swishsynth.prg 1985 Nice drawing demo with sound.
1997-08-17 123758 TCCMusic.d64.gz 1993 TCC party music compo winners.
1993-12-10 11299 Universe.prg 1987

[FTP://NIC.FUNET.FI/pub/cbm/c64/demos/generic/ | SunSITE ftp | SunSITE http]

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