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Online games and more!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:34 pm
by wiskow
I've been hard at work on adding "goodies" to my BBS, which is now running on Color 64 software. I have added multi-upload capability, 40/80 column selection for message entry, a "one-liner" feature, and best of all, some online games! I've added Horserace (a "classic" Color 64 game), Master's Empire (a very good upgrade to the classic Empire game), and Stock Market (another great game).

Master's Empire and Stock Market are both multi-player games. Everyone gets to take turns while they're signed onto the BBS, and over a period of weeks, the game progresses until one person reaches the pre-set goal and is proclaimed the winner.

I'll be on the lookout for more Color 64 mods to improve my setup... I'm always looking to improve... :-)

Check out what's new on Cottonwood BBS today by calling (951) 242-3593.

Take care...