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CommVEx v8 2012 accommodations

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:22 pm
by rbernardo
Unlike the last seven CommVExes, the upcoming CommVEx in 2012 has *no* accommodations set up for attendees. Why is that? Well, let's go back to August, 2011 when I was negotiating with the hotel for a conference room for the show. After the success of CommVEx v7, I wanted to immediately book a conference room and accommodations for the next CommVEx. To the best of my understanding, those in charge at the Plaza Hotel / Las Vegas Club Hotel were still under reorganization, i.e., the Plaza Hotel was still being rebuilt, and there was no office to visit and sign contracts. The only e-mail/phone communication I had was with v.p. Michael P., and that was spotty, at best. When I finally did get the latest person at catering, she sent me the new contracts for the conference room and for accommodations.

To my surprise or should I say, shock, I saw a new stipulation in the accommodations contract. Yes, a block of 10 rooms were to be set aside for attendees; yes, there would be a guaranteed rate (about 1/3 higher than rates in previous years!); yes, attendees could call up to one month in advance of the show and reserve a room at those rates. However, what hit me hard was the new clause... if the 10 rooms were not booked, then it was up to me as the contract signer to make up the difference. In other words, if the rooms were not booked by others, I would have to pay for the unused rooms!

That would be a huge hit to the CommVEx budget if unused rooms were to be paid! I tried to convince the new catering person, saying that in all the years we had been at the Plaza Hotel / Las Vegas Club Hotel, we had never had to pay for unused accommodations. Unfortunately, the v.p. would not budge. (I attribute all of this to them having to pay for the rebuilding of the Plaza Hotel and the refreshening of the Las Vegas Club Hotel. The money to repay had to come from somewhere.)

The new catering person agreed with me that CommVEx attendees should just try to book their rooms on their own and not depend on any CommVEx-reserved rooms. And so, if you are coming to CommVEx and need accommodations at the Las Vegas Club Hotel, our CommVEx venue, you can book your room through

As of today, the reservation calendar only goes up through April. :(. I will let everyone know when that changes.

For those who want to compare hotel prices, go to

and you can specify "Fremont Street - Downtown Las Vegas" in order to narrow the search.

Note that because of competing shows going on during the same CommVEx weekend, economical hotel rooms will become more scarce as the date approaches. It would be wise to book your accommodations as early as possible in order to get the best deal.

Re: CommVEx v8 2012 accommodations

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:19 am
by rbernardo
Currently, the El Cortez Hotel & Casino -- down at the other end of the Fremont St. Experience -- is the low-cost leader in alternative accommodations. Other surrounding hotels (to the Las Vegas Hotel venue) at higher prices are the Main St. Station Hotel, Casino & Brewery; the California Hotel & Casino, the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino, the Fremont Hotel & Casino, and the Four Queens Hotel & Casino.


Re: CommVEx v8 2012 accommodations

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:12 am
by rbernardo
rbernardo wrote:Currently, the El Cortez Hotel & Casino -- down at the other end of the Fremont St. Experience -- is the low-cost leader in alternative accommodations.
I just booked my hotel room at the El Cortez Hotel. I was checking today and found out that there was a stay one night/get one night free offer from the El Cortez. At $118 for 6 nights for a Vintage Room, I couldn't resist. However, that was the last one at that price. There are other, more expensive rooms going at the El Cortez... also at the stay one night/get one night offer.

Who knows how long that offer will last?

Re: CommVEx v8 2012 accommodations

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:48 am
by rbernardo
Jim Drew tells me that the CommVEx venue, the Las Vegas Club Hotel, has dropped the prices of its rooms. Go to and check out the prices.
