CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Run by Robert Bernardo this forum contains information about the summer Commodore conference in Las Vegas and the spring Commodore conference in L.A.

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CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

First to sign up for a presentation... myself! Presentation subject: IDE64 v4.1 in action

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

At the FCUG meeting today, Dick Estel has signed up for a yet-undecided presentation.

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

Another presentation - Andrew Wiskow and the Lt. Kernal hard drive on the C64.

Getting there,
Robert Bernardo
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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

At last Saturday's movie night dinner hosted by Amiga engineer R.J. Mical, I invited him, Amiga engineer Dale Luck, and Commodore/Atari veteran John Carlsen to CommVEx. R.J. marked it down on his calendar, Dale said that he had something happening in Vegas in mid-July and might be able to go to CommVEx, too, and John was very enthusiastic with all the stories he was telling of the Commodore early days. I even sweetened the pot by telling them that room and transportation would be paid. Let's see if any of them show up for the show.

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

Presentations from

Robert Bernardo - IDE64 v4.1 in action
Dick Estel - transferring PC files with the Big Blue Reader
Andrew Wiskow - using the Lt. Kernal hard drive
Note the updates quoted above.

Stephen Jones from Washington State is coming to CommVEx to deliver *two* presentations . The first is "Who needs wi-fi when there is ham-fi". His goal is to have a VIC-20 with appropriate ham radio hardware communicating with a C64 and its appropriate ham radio hardware. His second presentation will be "Mssiah and the C64 music production".

There you have it... ham and music,
Robert Bernardo
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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

rbernardo wrote:Presentations from

Robert Bernardo - IDE64 v4.1 in action
Dick Estel - transferring PC files with the Big Blue Reader
Andrew Wiskow - using the Lt. Kernal hard drive
Stephen Jones - "Who needs wi-fi when there is ham-fi" and "Mssiah and the C64 music production".
Due to his changing job needs in the military, Andrew may not be able to make it to CommVEx.

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by wiskow »

rbernardo wrote:Another presentation - Andrew Wiskow and the Lt. Kernal hard drive on the C64.
Sadly, I must withdraw myself as a presenter for CommVEx v6. Due to a visit from my parents at the same time, followed by a family reunion in Wisconsin, I will not be able to make it to Las Vegas. This is very disappointing to me because I'll be moving in December and most likely won't be able to make it to future CommVEx events. Oh well... such is the life of a man in the military.
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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by wiskow »

Just a thought... why not invite "eBay's 94bravo" to give a presentation on the Lt. Kernal? He is, after all, the master! ;)
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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

wiskow wrote:Sadly, I must withdraw myself as a presenter for CommVEx v6.
:( How sad! We will miss you at the show.

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

wiskow wrote:...why not invite "eBay's 94bravo" to give a presentation on the Lt. Kernal?
A possibility. I will send him a message.

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

rbernardo wrote:Presentations from

Robert Bernardo - IDE64 v4.1 in action
Dick Estel - transferring PC files with the Big Blue Reader
Stephen Jones - "Who needs wi-fi when there is ham-fi" and "Mssiah and the C64 music production".
O.K., I've always run out of time to present this, but this time this presentation will be done! "Using the Commodore 128 and a shell account to cruise the Internet"

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

rbernardo wrote:At last Saturday's movie night dinner hosted by Amiga engineer R.J. Mical, I invited him, Amiga engineer Dale Luck, and Commodore/Atari veteran John Carlsen to CommVEx. R.J. marked it down on his calendar...
There was another movie night dinner last night, and I met R.J. and John again and almost new to the party, Amiga engineer Bob "Kodiak" Burns. Though John was non-committal, R.J. confirmed that he would be coming to CommVEx this year!

Bob Burns had many an Amiga story to tell but couldn't come to CommVEx. However, he was interested in attending the Sacramento AmiWest Show in October.

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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

rbernardo wrote:Robert Bernardo - "IDE64 v4.1 in action" and "Using the Commodore 128 and a shell account to cruise the Internet"
Dick Estel - "Transferring PC files with the Big Blue Reader"
Stephen Jones - "Who needs wi-fi when there is ham-fi" and "Mssiah and the C64 music production".
Greg Alekel is bringing a "VERY cool" demonstration of his.

How mysterious,
Robert Bernardo
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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

rbernardo wrote:Robert Bernardo - "IDE64 v4.1 in action" and "Using the Commodore 128 and a shell account to cruise the Internet"
Dick Estel - "Transferring PC files with the Big Blue Reader"
Stephen Jones - "Who needs wi-fi when there is ham-fi" and "Mssiah and the C64 music production".
Greg Alekel - a "VERY cool" demonstration of his
Larry Anderson wants to do a presentation of the use of the uIEC card drive.

Robert Bernardo
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Re: CommVEx v6 guests and presentations

Post by rbernardo »

rbernardo wrote:Stephen Jones... His second presentation will be "Mssiah and the C64 music production".
Speaking of music, the Guitar Hero guitar and Shredz64 will be playing through a C64 at CommVEx.

Everybody can have a chance rocking out!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group