CommVEx v4 - first report

Run by Robert Bernardo this forum contains information about the summer Commodore conference in Las Vegas and the spring Commodore conference in L.A.

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CommVEx v4 - first report

Post by rbernardo »

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Commodore Enthusiasts in Las Vegas
By Yul Haasmann

(This is the first contribution I [have] submitted to a Commodore-related publication, and I do it, enjoying every moment of its creation.)

I have been for years hoping to do more with my Commodores, but what I have done has left me nice memories. [The] last CommVEx 4.0 in Vegas was no exception. This time was no Jeri Ellsworth skating on wheels, nor a Pontiac Aztec packed with 11 attendees going back to the plaza after seeing the [roller] girls crash on the track, but this time we had something that I had not seen before (which is in no particular order...).

We were able to hear by telephone an interview with Bil Herd and [Andy] Finkel. Great memories, questions and answers... over hour and a half long... great... Jack Tramiel [was a subject in] the conversation... Robert Bernardo recording it so could be made available.

Dave [Moorman] showed us something about machine language [DotBasic]; I've retained only a small percentage of the content; I was daydreaming probably.

Josh [Shiflet] showed us the Ultimate 1541 Plus, a device which will change the playing field for the Commodore universe. Now we can have hundreds of floppies in a small card that you attach to one of the ports. Great! We were a lucky few to hear Josh's presentation and comments from the audience.

And then, out of the blue, Michael Battilana from Italy gives us his presentation of the Amiga Forever DVD -- another stepping stone for Amiga -- an emulator that allows you to use the Amiga from the PC or the Mac.

I promised a presentation and barely managed to keep my promise, because I was saved by the generous participation of Al Jackson, president of the 5C's, who demoed the midi interface and music program. The audience had to endure one of my songs, "One Thousand Tons of Tuna" (I took the liberty to create an English title for the song, "atuneros de Ensenada".)

Justin [Pope] showed us the capabilities of the Amiga Toaster, and we enjoyed looking at our pictures transformed by color and other functions.

And Dick [Estel] shared with us his work on [GEOS] fonts..... Am I missing a presentation? I don't think so, and of course, Robert Bernardo showed us his videos and how he made those. Do I have to mention that he has been like the core engine for CommVEx? I am glad to see him solving technical and logistic problems.

Paul Armstrong was there and also Connor [Krantz] with his dad. [The boy] Connor brings the freshest blood to the meetings, and he picks the tickets for the raffle. Also there, Justin's wife, Dave's wife, and Keith [Henrickson] who won the SX64 and resisted the temptation of a $150.00 offer for it. Brian [Lehman] from [Orange County] won the 128D.

But no matter how many or how few [days], I personally had a great immersion in the Commodore universe. Two days of listening, reading and playing the machines I have loved for so long without regrets, because it feels good, and it is good. Money matters not many times in life, and this is one of those times. Why do I say that? Because I want to, and I want to share it with all of those who could not come. Was this CommVEx 4.0 a memorable experience for those there, and did we make history as we have been doing for years? Yes. A resounding yes.

Would you like to see dozens of our friends who could not [attend this time] come to the next CommVEx? You bet. I love creating and living what will be history, memories and anecdotes. That's why I wrote this fresh, after it just happened. In this writing of mine, I [don't] apologize for a lack of perfection, since that is a given. I compensate with feelings which abound. So, I am more than ready for CommVEx 5.0.