C=/Amiga film fest at CommVEx v4

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C=/Amiga film fest at CommVEx v4

Post by rbernardo »

As I was watching the MemeDump 2008 demo here at BlockParty 2008, it occurred to me that more late-night activities should be happening at CommVEx. Last year the room was open so that attendees could chat on-line, play games, and just talk. This year in addition to all of that, perhaps a Commodore/Amiga film festival with t.v. shows and films that featured Commodores and Amigas. For example, the Airwolf episode with the Commodores, the Terminator 3 movie with the PET, Police Story 1 with the SynCalc screen, and/or Star Trek II with the PET. Then there are specific Commodore/Amiga commercials and German videos on making C64s (ooo, try and translate).

There will be a video projector at CommVEx v4, and such shows/movies would be shown really big.

I will talk to FCUG members and others about such a film festival.

Still in Cleveland, Ohio,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
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Re: C=/Amiga film fest at CommVEx v4

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:This year in addition to all of that, perhaps a Commodore/Amiga film festival with t.v. shows and films that featured Commodores and Amigas.


I will talk to FCUG members and others about such a film festival.
Approved! Time to start gathering the various movies/shows.

The CommVEx Film Festival,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
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Re: C=/Amiga film fest at CommVEx v4

Post by rbernardo »

Yesterday Bil Herd contacted me, and I asked whether he and his colleagues were going to film another CBM Animals video for this year's CommVEx. He thanked me for the reminder and threw out some ideas, like interviewing Berlin or Davis or the elusive Fred Bowen.

Robert Bernardo
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Post by wiskow »

Robert... Any chance of any of these guys making an appearance at CommVEx?
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Post by rbernardo »

wiskow wrote:Any chance of any of these guys making an appearance at CommVEx?
Have heard no word from them. However, I will send invites to Chuck Peddle, Bob Lentini (of BobsTerm fame), and others.

Writing from an Internet cafe in Paris, France,
Robert Bernardo
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Post by rbernardo »

Just got back from the Netherlands Commodore Show. I spoke with Michiel Kroder of Commodore Gaming. Oy, he had invited me too late to visit their offices in Amsterdam on Monday. If I had known earlier, before I bought my plane tickets, I would have set aside another day.

Nevertheless, we had some good talk, and he will try to get us some Commodore Gaming papers to pass out at CommVEx and a pre-recorded video of Commodore Gaming chairman, Bala Keilman, giving us his greets at CommVEx.

Back from Maarssen, the Netherlands,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
CommVEx v4 website - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex

P.S. Darn train system! Three years ago I visited during a train strike here. This year I come in when they shut down my line for maintenence on Saturday and Sunday! Getting back to the airport will be slow by bus.
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Post by rbernardo »

First shown at the Commodore Scene meeting in Preston, England on June 24, I will show off a 30-minute video interview with Gideon Zweijtzer, creator of the 1541 Ultimate device. The interview was done at the June 21 Netherlands Commodore Show.

Robert Bernardo
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Post by rbernardo »

Another video -- the acclaimed RB production of California Commodore/Amiga clubs. :-) Shown at the June 21 Netherlands Commodore Show, the June 24 Commodore Scene meeting in England, and the July 5 Amigaclub.be meeting in Belgium.

Robert Bernardo
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Re: C=/Amiga film fest at CommVEx v4

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:Yesterday Bil Herd contacted me, and I asked whether he and his colleagues were going to film another CBM Animals video for this year's CommVEx.
I just got the disappointing news from Bil a few minutes ago. There won't be a CBM Animals video ready in time for CommVEx this year. A few weeks ago he proposed a videoconference between he, his comrades, and us at CommVEx. However, the logistics of getting everybody together and getting everything set up proved to be too much in the short amount of time.

Another item which won't show up to CommVEx in time... a video filmed by German friend, Dirk Klettke, done during his visit to the Chicago C= Expo in 2002. It's on VHS tape, and he just got a DVD recorder this week in order to transfer it. Not only does it have a few of the talks done at the Expo, but it also has his visit to the shop of Maurice Randall of Click Here Software!

When his DVD comes in, I suppose it will have its world premiere at our table at the Vintage Computer Festival in November.

CommVEx in 4 days!
Robert Bernardo
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CBM Animals video webcast!

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:I just got the disappointing news from Bil a few minutes ago. There won't be a CBM Animals video ready in time for CommVEx this year. A few weeks ago he proposed a videoconference between he, his comrades, and us at CommVEx. However, the logistics of getting everybody together and getting everything set up proved to be too much in the short amount of time.
Boing! Bil Herd won't give up!

Here is what he had to say, "I was able to get hold of Andy Finkel who was head of the games group the entire time I was there and went on to do LOTs of Amiga stuff, he literally knows where some of the bodies were buried on the Amiga sw."

"I can get a camera out to him if you can get someone to take care of the tech end of a webcast. He professed to not having had any more experience then I have had. I do have a conference number for phones that we can use for clean audio and to have several people join in, like I might like to pitch some questions at Andy’s head."

"So let me know if this is still of interest and whether the tech part can be accommodated. You could probably do it audio only also if you have something on your end to amplify for the room."

These guys are great!

CommVEx in 2 days!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
CommVEx v4 website - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex
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Re: CBM Animals video webcast!

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:Here is what he (Bil) had to say, "I was able to get hold of Andy Finkle who was head of the games group the entire time I was there and went on to do LOTs of Amiga stuff, he literally knows where some of the bodies were buried on the Amiga sw."

"I can get a camera out to him if you can get someone to take care of the tech end of a webcast."
Messages now flying between Bil, Andy, Dave Haynie, and now Bill "Tekmage" Bosari - Internet radio/video guru for the AmiWest Show. Bill B. wants to lend his hand in getting this all set up, but Andy seems to prefer the easier old-fashioned way of a telephone conference call, i.e., no video.

CommVEx in 2 days!
Robert Bernardo
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Re: CBM Animals video webcast

Post by rbernardo »

This though is certain - Bil Herd will introduce and be moderator for an interview with Andy Finkel. All we have to do is provide more questions for Andy, or as Bil puts it, "20 questions...".

So if you have a question for Andy (or even Bil), post it here and I will gather them up to present to them.

CommVEx in 2 days!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
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Re: CBM Animals video webcast

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:...Bil Herd will introduce and be moderator for an interview with Andy Finkel.
The interview with Andy is lined up for Saturday.

CommVEx in 2 days!
Robert Bernardo
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CBM Animals conference call!

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:...but Andy seems to prefer the easier old-fashioned way of a telephone conference call, i.e., no video.
It's been confirmed -- a conference call into CommVEx. For a small charge, the Plaza Hotel is providing us a hard-wired phone line into the room, an access number, and even a loud speakerphone.

CommVEx tomorrow!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
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Re: CBM Animals conference call!

Post by rbernardo »

I wrote:It's been confirmed -- a conference call into CommVEx. For a small charge, the Plaza Hotel is providing us a hard-wired phone line into the room, an access number, and even a loud speakerphone.
Well, the phone they have is no speakerphone. :-( Fortunately, 5C's member, Yul Haasman, will provide a speakerphone, VGA monitor for the AmigaOne (the 1960 monitor I brought is awful), a PS/2 mouse for the AmigaOne, and even a loudspeaker system plus microphone. Way to go, Yul!

CommVEx tomorrow!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
CommVEx v4 website - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex