Amiwest 2018 hi-def videos

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Amiwest 2018 hi-def videos

Post by rbernardo »

These are hi-def videos of the presentations (mostly) at the Oct. 13-14 Amiwest Show. The first one - the Amiwest 2018 Saturday banquet with its keynote speaker, Daniel Muessener. Go to

What happens at Amiwest stays at Amiwest... not! See Trevor receive a gift at

Trevor Dickinson's talk from last Saturday... Go to

Hans De Ruiter speaking at the Amiwest Show... see

Aaron Smith of Amiga On The Lake speaks at the Amiwest Show. Go to

Jamie Krueger talks about Advanced Visual Developer at the Amiwest Show. See

Alex Carmona and connecting the AmigaOne to other devices... Go to

Mark Ritter talks about MorphOS at the Amiwest Show. See

In this video we walk around the Amiwest Show, speaking to the exhibitors and vendors. See

Bill Bosari interviews Daniel Muessener. Go to

Bill Bosari interviews Trevor Dickinson of A-EON and Aaron Smith of Amiga On The Lake at the Amiwest Show. Go to

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
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