Computer History Website Index Links

If you are looking for computer history information, you are in the right place.  These links go to some of the best Commodore and non-Commodore computer history sites on the web.

Sadly many have gone off line, but I have found them archived in and adjusted the links to work off that site.  In case you don’t know, is a non-profite that constantly archives the web as a free service to future society and so is definitely deserving of a small donation from you.  Please help keep running by making a $25 donation today.

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All links validated Sept 1 2022

Commodore Computer History Related Links

These are listed in no particular order:

  1. Bo Zimmerman’s Damn Near Complete C= Pages
  2. Play 25,000 Commodore Games Online (
  3. List of ALL Commodore Computer Products including prototypes
  4. Computers Using Commodore / MOS 6502 Processor
  5. RETROBITS – Secret Weapons of Commodore
  6. RETROBITS – Commodore History
  7. PET INDEX – Lots of Technical Details
  8. Commodore Homestead
  9. CP/M  Pages
  10. Jack Declares War – From Atari Archives & Digital Antic
  11. Steve Gray’s Commodore B Series / CBM II Pages
  12. Old Computers Museum
  13. Commodore Computer B Series Pages
  14. Vice Commodore Emulator – Excellent
  15. Commodore One Page – A NEW Commodore 64
  16. TRAILING EDGE: Commodore PET Review from 1978
  17. The Silicon PET from Port Commodore
  18. Commodore Homestead
  19. Commodore 64 Games
  20. 2005 Commodore Technology Corporation
  21. Commodore USA  – 2010 Commodore Licensee
  22. Bo Zimmers GEOS Pages
  23. C64 Unlimited
  24. UK Commodore News
  25. German C= Museum
  26. The Amazing Funet
  27. Commodore 64 / VIC 20 SID Pages
  28. Commodore 64 News
  29. Commodore Computer Center
  31. Commodore Heaven
  32. Commodore Trivia
  33. Jiffy DOS for C64 C128 and more
  35. Vintage Computer Federation (Formerly Vintage Computer Festival
  36. Commodore PET Troubleshooting
  37. How to Tell Which ROMS are in your Commodore PET
  38. Commodore Zone
  39. Toronto PET Users Group – All Things Commodore
  40. Build Your Own MOS / CSG KIM1
  42. Language Commodore Site
  43. Italian Language Commodore Site
  44. Bil Herds C128 Site
  45. WebPacMan
  46. Frogger.Net

Non-Commodore Specific Computer Related Links

  1. Antique Tech – CPU  Details
  2. History of Artificial Intelligence (referenced from Kelsey at )
  3. Charles Babage – Father of the Mechanical Computer
  4. Interesting Old Tech News – Tom Halfhill
  5. History of Modern Computers & Inventors
  6. Byte Magazines Most Important Chips
  7. Which Old CPU Was in Which Computer
  8. History of the Laptop Computer
  9. Chronology of Personal Computers
  10. Need a Boot Disk?

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