Below are some new pages we added:

The text only version of our site has been refreshed and is available now at . The text only sub-site is intended for use by old school text only browsers but if you want to know what HTML 1.0 looked like in 1992, here is your chance.

Even we forgot about some of the great content buried in our site, so it is great to go back through each page line by line and find treasures like this computer comparison table:


Welcome to the refreshed site which provides history, manuals, ROM downloads, along with an active user forum for support of your 8 Bit Commodore computers, including:

In addition to these mainstream machines we also cover Commodore derivatives like the:

  • Commodore PET 2001 3008, 4016, 4032, 8032, 8096SK, P500 B700 C710, and 8296SK
  • Commodore VIC VC-20, VIC-1001
  • Commodore 64C, 64GS, VIC-30, Commodore One, C-1
  • Commodore 116, C16, 232, 264, 364, Plus/4, “TED”
  • Commodore C128, 128CR, 128DCR

We detail the product announcements and secrets of Commodore Prototypes like the:

We provide everything from the original TV advertising to a Photo Gallery, to Print Advertising, History, Technical User Manuals, Schematics, downloadable ROM’s, and even a live browser based arcade of such classic games as Asteroids and PacMan… no install required!

Some of the most interesting content is our Commodore Chronology and Commodore people section, which has great detail on such notable Commodore management as:

It’s 8 Bit Commodore, we have it.

Commodore was, without doubt, the most important company in retail computer history, relentlessly driving the market forward.  Commodore INVENTED the PC Personal Computer and no-one else, including Apple, can stake that claim.  Commodore was the first computer company with a BILLION dollars in sales.  Commodore invented… and the list goes on and on and on.

Click through our site and drop us a line using our user forum if you have something to say!

Also, if you have an old device, click HERE to connect to our TEXT ONLY site.
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